Thursday, October 14, 2010

Bad TV Shows

So, there are things in this life that are just horrible. Bad food, sickness, and especially horrible TV shows. You know the ones that are so bad you want to cry or throw a chair through a window, or maybe even get up from the comfortable spot on you’re couch. I know, that is the worst thing to do. Anyway, there are those shows that just… just… oh, what’s the word… oh yes, they just suck. Horribly. Like Jersey Shore, Dr. Phil, um, soap operas… I think that’s just a few of bad TV shows.
            Ah yes, Jersey Shore… Well I have just one thing to say about this show: Vomit. Snookie is not the life of that show and even her own father says she is ridiculous. I do not think there is anything worse than this show. It makes me vomit.
            Dr. Phil may help some people but for me… it is just bad. You see, I am the problem child of my family (just kidding) but when I was little my mother used to sit me in front of the television, making me sit through hours (exaggeration, of course) and quite frankly, scarring me for life. I do not think I will ever be able to watch that show ever again in my life. It was way too scarring.  I mean, I can stand Oprah or Ellen, because they are not depressing or sad. All it is, is people talking about how depressing their life is and how they need help, so they go on TV and get (somewhat) professional help. I mean, why would you want your problems publicized on TV? I just do not understand. Oprah has its good moments, though I would not watch it all the time and it can be depressing too. Ellen is just freaking hilarious all the time, 24/7, every day all day long. I love that show.
            Finally, soap operas. I just see no point in them, they go on and on for like forever, killing off people, then bringing them back to life, and killing them off again. It is so dang confusing!!! My mom watched something like called the Young and the Restless; I think that is what it is called. I watched it like once and I told myself that it was really really stupid and never to watch to again. Then my mom told me that someone on the show died then came back to life and yeah, I was confused. I just do not get the point of these weird shows. I get confused with these types of shows.
            As you have read, there are certain shows that just are horrible to watch. So bad, that you would probably rather hurt yourself than watch. If you have an issue with why this shows are bad and you actually like them, well, number one; you need to see better shows, and number two; you should tell me why they are so go anyway. Comment, chat, and have fun talking about annoying things at this blog. :)

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