Friday, August 27, 2010


Siblings, siblings, siblings. Every one knows that they are one of the most annoying things in the world. Unless you’re a single child. Cause then, you are lucky. No sharing bathrooms, fighting over stupid things like breakfast cereals (and yes my family does that). Ahh the life! Just kidding.

Anyway, if you’re like me, the middle child out of three kids, you understand my pain. Normally the middle child gets gained up on by the eldest and the youngest. Or the parents put all the attention on the eldest or the youngest. We all know that sibling are annoying or if you are an only child, you know that your friends little brother or sister is annoying. If you are a single child and have no friends, well just ignore this post.

Ever had your friends over and your little bro or sis want to hang out with you? Yeah annoying but has never happened to me because I have a little bro and quite frankly, he just doesn’t really care about me and my friends. But, I have been to my friends’ houses and their little sibling(s) is annoying so yes, I know the pain. I know, I know, you love your siblings but come on! There’s a breaking point! My little bro is completely adorable when he’s not talking or he has his face in a computer or DS or something electronic like that. But when he opens his mouth…let me put it this way, I just want to pick him up (he weighs like 60 pounds) and throw him out the door. But I know my mom would kill me. Not literally, for you people who actually take things seriously.

On to the big sib that seems to do everything right and be friend with everyone! Well, mine doesn’t do everything right but she is friends with everyone. (Stage open) People who know me because of my sister but I don’t know who they are, walk up to me and say,” Hey, aren’t you Hannah’s little sister?” I answer,” Um… yes? Why?” They say,” she’s awesome!” or something like that. Then I’m like,” Um… that’s cool. Them: You’re so lucky to have her as a sister!” Or something like that. Then I’m like (very sarcastic like),” yes, lucky that’s the word.” Then add to my self ‘You don’t have to live with her’. (Stage closed) That is basically how it is.

Anyway, one story about sibs ganging up on me would be this:

Please keep in mind this was like 3 or 4 years ago and I was like 10 and we know 10 year olds like to blow things out of proportion. We have one computer with no internet so we get a lot of computer games for it (and it’s a caveman computer). We just got a new game and Hannah and Will (siblings, just in case you skipped to the good part) were playing. Anyway, I wanted to play but they would let me. So I did the normal thing 10 year olds do, I tell mom. I told her they had a conspiracy against me (I used big words) and to tell them to get off. At first she did nothing, but my complain… Er, convincing changed her mind. Basically, they got kicked off, grounded, and I got the computer for a week to my self. They still hold that over my head for some reason.

Anyway, pretty much I’ve just complained about mine, but if you have a story about your sibs just comment it to me! Because, you know, this IS the blog you complain about annoying things!