Friday, September 3, 2010


“Go clean your room!” “Be nice to your brother/sister!” “Do your homework!” “Carry up the laundry!” These are just a few of the things your parents say to you. And every time they do, you tell them that you will but they keep hounding you about it. Until, of course, you do it. Which no one ever real wants to.

The world knows that parents can be annoying. People say they are only that way because they love you. They do, but can they NOT let up? In my case, it’s always about my room. My mom says to go clean it. I say no because I have better things to do in my free time. And because seeing as I’m the only one who actually sees my room and sleeps in it, why should I clean it? My mom says because it should make me feel better. Please tell me how cleaning my room, exerting effort on something that I only see, should make me feel better. I’m just not organized! And I like it because I my mom doesn’t. Just kidding, that’s mean.

Anyway, have you ever driven with your parents? If not, let’s just put it this way, I’d rather drive with my eighty plus year old grandma because she doesn’t yell at you for everything. My mother puts her arm out and pumps it back and forth thinking that will help me stop. Brilliant. My farther let’s me do as I please, but when I make a mistake he does this whole speech about what you could do in that situation. Then, I’m debating whether to stop the car and let him drive or continue driving listening to him talk. I like driving, so this is a very hard choice. Driving with your parents is not fun. It’s annoying. Really.

Ever played a sport with your parent(s)? I don’t know about yours, but mine try to tell me what to do. I get annoyed with it. A lot. Sure they played the sport in high school or college but I think the coach knows best. I play tennis and my mother is telling me how to serve and my dad is telling me how to hit it. I get annoyed. I try to listen but… I just get annoyed.

Oh, my favorite part, when you ask your parents if you can do something potentially dangerous and they freak out saying you can get hurt. I know they care about you but cut us some slack! Please! We are only young once! Personal experience: Don’t try this at home. Mattress Surfing, which is when you tie a mattress to a 4-wheeler and drag it, my mother let me and my brother and sister’s friends ride it but not drive. My mother wouldn’t let me drive the 4-Wheeler. Why? Well, because she said she didn’t want someone to get hurt while I was driving. She doesn’t even know how to turn it on. Ironic, I know.

I have complained enough on this blog. I love my parents and all but they can be very annoying. Now it’s your turn. Have a story when your parents annoyed you? Just post it!

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