Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Final Blog

Hello and welcome back to the final (instructed) blog post of my 2010 class. I would like to hit basis on my more favorite posts including Band, Driving, Friends and their Boyfriends… ECT, ECT. Too bad this is going to be a fantastic final (instructed) blog. I will be complaining about something that I really dislike. Just guess what that is. Here are some hints: it’s part of a holiday… it’s right after a holiday… it rhymes with caned… you guessed it! BAND!!! Yeah, I wrote a blog about it already this year… but this is something different. Let me explain…
So, the Paris High School band is going to Florida for so bowl like Champs or Rose or Orange or what ever it’s called. The point is I kind of don’t want to go after I got the rules. Let me type some up right here => No look down:
1. No excessive laughing. Have you heard some people’s laugh (including mine)? THEY ARE LOUD! My friend and I basically said that we’re bringing duct tape because we both laugh loud.
2. Reading material is suggested. However, if your chaperone does not like what you’re reading, they will confiscate it. Huh? What do they think we’re gonna do, bring a play boy magazine? Half of us (not me) do not even know what reading is! So, I’m bringing a book that has girls in bikinis on the cover. Which leads me to the final funny rule:
3. When swimming, you must wear an oversized t-shirt. Boy’s and girl’s both. This means that they think we are going to get pregnant by showing our shoulders or by wearing a tankini or one piece.  I mean, I can see banning bikinis because some girls in band would be showing a little too much. These are freshmen I’m talking about too. And maybe some seniors.  But that is absolutely it!
If you think these rules are completely stupid, well, too bad you cannot do any thing about it.   I really don’t understand why the band parents do not trust us but… I mean we high school students are very trust… never mind… I just do not get it. Not fair and not cool.
Now, I am not saying that I absolutely hate band. I like it when we play pep band. That is fun to do. I sit there playing awesome songs like I Want You Back by Michal Jackson or Let’s get it started by the black eyed peas, and even the worst of the worst, I want candy… yes some of the songs he makes us play is not cool what so ever. More of the cool songs are California Gurls by Katie Perry, Iron Man, the final Countdown ect. Ect… But that is the only thing I like about band. I mean some of the songs we play are pretty cool like for our last concert (which I had to play as the second saxophone in the first section because the person was sick and there were parts I didn’t even know…) we played Harry Potter and Beauty and the Beast!!! LOVE THEM!!!
Farewell, for this is my last instructed blog. I will probably blog once and a while, just don’t be afraid to comment!

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