Friday, November 19, 2010


Cleaning your room is not an easy task, I know. But the only reason I actually clean my room is if I want something, like, I do not know, a party? Yes, I am having a bon fire with all my friends and the worst part if it would be having to clean and prepare for it. Oh and when everyone leaves, you have to clean. Fun, fun. So this is what my blog is about this week, a party. Oh and the guests too.
            So setting up for a party is one of my least favorite parts of a party. You have to send out invitations, pick who should come (Hint: if you hate them, do not invite them to please someone else!), clean the house, foods… must I have to say more? It is a lot work, which, if you have not caught the drift yet, I really hate. So, in turn, I hardly have any parties. It is actually really annoying trying to plan a party. As mentioned above, there are many steps to plan one… too much work, in my opinion.
            Then comes the party, which comes the party guests. Who, yes, can be REALLY annoying! I know when I go to a party; I can be annoying because no one listens to me so I repeat myself like fifty times until someone hears me. When people come to my house, there is either like twenty five people talking to me at the same time. I can become a major, well, you know. If not, well, just assume something. Party guests also ask for something you do not have. Like, once one person asked me for something, I was not even remotely angry at that. But, when someone asks me for something and then someone else asks again, and then someone else asks again for the same exact same, that is when I get mad. And, then people hate me. It is a very stressful situation which I hate to be in.
            Finally, the clean up. This is the best (cough, cough, worst) part of a party. The guests see the mess and are like “Well, nice to see you Kelsey but I have to go.” Then I turn around and see the major mess, and who has two thumbs and has to clean it up? This girl!!! I am lazy! To keep up my laziness, I absolutely cannot do work! But, according to my mother, they are my guests and I have to clean up after them. But, in my unconsidered opinion, the mother should clean it up if the child doesn’t want to. Gosh, I sure hope that my kids aren’t lazy like me and that they like to clean. That would make my life soooooooooooooooooo easy. But, sadly, I have to clean it myself. It makes me sad.
            I like to hear from you! Any party’s yours turn sour? Comment and I will answer as son as I possible can! I hope this made you laugh some! J


  1. This is exactly why I try not to host parties. I prefer to simply have a couple of friends over. Plus, I don't really like enough people to populate an entire party.

  2. Ah, but i had to invite my firends boyfriends and that was not fun... Austin fell out of a tree.
