Friday, November 19, 2010


Cleaning your room is not an easy task, I know. But the only reason I actually clean my room is if I want something, like, I do not know, a party? Yes, I am having a bon fire with all my friends and the worst part if it would be having to clean and prepare for it. Oh and when everyone leaves, you have to clean. Fun, fun. So this is what my blog is about this week, a party. Oh and the guests too.
            So setting up for a party is one of my least favorite parts of a party. You have to send out invitations, pick who should come (Hint: if you hate them, do not invite them to please someone else!), clean the house, foods… must I have to say more? It is a lot work, which, if you have not caught the drift yet, I really hate. So, in turn, I hardly have any parties. It is actually really annoying trying to plan a party. As mentioned above, there are many steps to plan one… too much work, in my opinion.
            Then comes the party, which comes the party guests. Who, yes, can be REALLY annoying! I know when I go to a party; I can be annoying because no one listens to me so I repeat myself like fifty times until someone hears me. When people come to my house, there is either like twenty five people talking to me at the same time. I can become a major, well, you know. If not, well, just assume something. Party guests also ask for something you do not have. Like, once one person asked me for something, I was not even remotely angry at that. But, when someone asks me for something and then someone else asks again, and then someone else asks again for the same exact same, that is when I get mad. And, then people hate me. It is a very stressful situation which I hate to be in.
            Finally, the clean up. This is the best (cough, cough, worst) part of a party. The guests see the mess and are like “Well, nice to see you Kelsey but I have to go.” Then I turn around and see the major mess, and who has two thumbs and has to clean it up? This girl!!! I am lazy! To keep up my laziness, I absolutely cannot do work! But, according to my mother, they are my guests and I have to clean up after them. But, in my unconsidered opinion, the mother should clean it up if the child doesn’t want to. Gosh, I sure hope that my kids aren’t lazy like me and that they like to clean. That would make my life soooooooooooooooooo easy. But, sadly, I have to clean it myself. It makes me sad.
            I like to hear from you! Any party’s yours turn sour? Comment and I will answer as son as I possible can! I hope this made you laugh some! J

Monday, November 15, 2010


You know those people on the road; yeah the ones that cut in front of you, cut you off, and my biggest pet driving peeve would have to be not using your turn signal. It is the most annoying thing EVER in my opinion. I have my white slip so when people decide not to use their turn signal in front of me, I am a beginner at this so it could mortally harm me! MORTALLY!!!
I am not one of those people who will advocate against bad driving, or selfish driving skills. But, I will, however, complain about it. Living in a small town means there are not as many selfish drivers like in New York or somewhere, there are, however, little old ladies and little old men driving around half blind to everything.  Sleepy old little town of… well I should not say the name of my town so sorry for all my stalkers. I am kidding; I have no stalkers that I know of. In my small town, there are people who are just stupid when it comes down to driving. I mean it is not even funny how bad some people are! Like I just started driving with an instructor at my school and the person who I am driving with has only driving twice. We have driven with the instructor only twice. The second time we drove, I will admit I was doing pretty well, turning around and going the correct speed, and she runs into a curb. I fear for my life just a little bit.
Another thing I absolutely hate about stupid drivers is tailgaters. Yeah, those one people who are right on the tailgate of my car. I hate that! Like I cannot stop without freaking out that they are going to rear end me! I just want to pull over, get out, walk over to them, and tell them to either go around me, or quit freaking  me out. Actually, what I would really do I cannot say because I would probably either A) get hit by the persons car, B) get into a fight, C) get arrested. None of  them sound like much fun to me so… yeah.
Oh, and another thing I hate: the people who have really nice cars that their parents bought them and then they show them off. They make me soooooooooooooooo angry. They do both of the mentioned above and they think they are so freaking cool that they can almost kill themselves and people around. If you notice, they are the ones to get in the most car accidents because they show off to people. Sweet, sweet karma. I know in my school there are so many people like that; it is not even funny. People with their rich parents who get really nice cars. Not cool. I do not even get a car!
                As usual, I want people to comment their pet peeves about other people’s driving skills… Please comment! I really want to hear from you!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Friends and their Boyfriends

Have you ever had that one friend(s) who, when they get themselves boy friend, they are kind of really clingy? Yes, I have a few and that is what this week’s blog is about. Allow me to begin…
            So basically I have this one friend who (no names please) who just is just a little too clingy to her boyfriend. For example: this one time, a few days ago actually, my friend always sits next to me at lunch. She never sits by her boyfriend, he says that it is ‘bros before h---‘ I think you get the picture. So anyway, she almost sits down and BAM! Her stupid boyfriend had no where to sit, so, he sits next to her twin on the other side of the table. She sees him, looks at me then to him, grabs her lunch box and leaves me. I know it may seem like I am kind of being selfish but this guy does not even like her as much as she likes him. He even lied to her many, many times. He also blew her off a few (three I think) times to hang with friends. Wow, he is such a nice guy, cough and cough NOT.  But, I still love my best buddy and will stand by her through whatever horrible decision she makes.
            Oh and my other friend (still no names… I know it  makes it a bit confusing but hey, I respect people’s privacy J) She is dating this guy that I really, really, really, dislike (I do not use the word hate because that is a very strong word… it equals three reallys before dislike J I make myself laugh) He is not even very nice to me. He says rude and crude things to me and sometimes even her, when they are in a fight. They try to spend every waking moment together and it gets sickening sometimes… But I digress…
            You may think I am totally against all my friends’ boyfriends, but do not get me wrong, I like one or two, actually only one but anyway, I like one of them. It is better than no one. This is actually the twin of the person who I talked about first. Me and her boyfriends like to make fun of each other. You see, our lockers are near each other (his last name starts with a W… my school screwed up… they forgot me and stuck me at the end… joy) and we walk to our lockers look at each other and say “shut up!” at basically the exactly same time. You see, we are in a shut up war… I am winning (I hope). He is really nice and funny but he hardly talks, which angers me because I talk A LOT. She made a fantastic choice and I do not think they had a single fight yet this year.
            Yes, friends and their boyfriends are really, really, annoying… I love them though! Share your experiences please! I’d love to hear from you!