Tuesday, September 28, 2010


The subject that I dread every day: Band. It’s the class that I wish I didn’t have to take but I know I would miss it if I quit. But this isn’t about the class; this is about the actual instruments. You know the annoying sounds that they make sometimes. Today, I will talk about only a few certain ones. Actually only three but still I hate them both. These annoying instruments will be the trumpet, saxophone and the drums.
            The trumpet is probably one of the most annoying instruments. I love the sound but there is a breaking point. You see, I sit right in front of them in band. I play the saxophone. Which is annoying too but I will not complain about my own instrument until later. Anyway, I wish I didn’t have to sit in front of it. I’m pretty sure that there is one trumpet who plays entirely too loud. Of course, the band teacher loves that he plays so loud. It’s just not fun to sit in front of where the sound comes out of. My friend and I like to complain about it, but we can not do anything about it though. I know, depressing. Every time I walk into that class room, and listen to the trumpets and drums, I get a monster headache. You get the point of this.
            The drums are probably one of the most annoying instruments EVER. In my school, they sit in the back of the band room banging away on their stupid drums. Those big base drums, the snares (I really need ear plugs) and the bell things. I just hate them because they are annoying. They just need to stop. Really. They literally shake the band room. I get head aches too from them. I’m pretty sure that not very many people enjoy hearing drums. There is not much else to say about this annoying instrument.
            The saxophone is my instrument. I hate it. But, I love it too. You see I like playing music in concert band but marching band… anyway, that is not important. My instrument is horribly broken. When I say horribly I mean like dents and scratches and it breaks like everyday. To make it short, tape and a mini screw driver I bought at Rural King are heroes for my instrument. The saxophone is also an annoying instrument. It squeaks and when you hit low notes, it vibrates the chair that I sit in. Yes, but I love it.
            Now it’s about the class. As I said before, I like the concert band, in fact you could almost say that I like it more than reading sometimes, only sometimes. It’s the marching band that kills me. We go out to the football field almost every day, making us late for lunch. You see, our football field is like really far away from our school. So, we climb on a bus, ride out to the field, practicing for about thirty minutes. Not fun and a horrible idea.
            You might be getting annoyed with me talking about annoying things. But quite frankly, I really can’t change my topic now because my teacher won’t let me. So yeah. Anyway, any class that annoys you, comment!!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Homecoming Week

            Ah, Homecoming. The fun of the week before. At my school, for the week before, we have themed days. For example, we have class colors, superhero day, toga day even. But, as always, there is something annoying about it: the extremists. The people who go above and beyond the expected. And these people, we applauded for being the new annoying theme for this week.
            For this Homecoming week, which we just finished, Monday was hat day. For hat day, my friend, who is also the same person who is obsessed with pop stars, wore a sombrero. And this isn’t just an ordinary sombrero, this is a HUGE one. I mean, this is big. Oh and to top it off, it was from Mexico. I wore an ordinary snow hat. I wear it everywhere. No joke. Anyway, back to the extreme. At lunch, we put our trash on it. He didn’t notice at all until his hat started to tip off. And during that forty minutes, I hit his hat off at least five times. It was joyful for me.
            For the next day, Tuesday, if you didn’t know, was Toga Day. Yes, togas. Normal people like me (or somewhat normal people) we wore just a bed sheet wrapped around us, maybe cutting it in a few places, not going out and buying an actual Toga costume, and wearing it to school. Yes, he actually bought one. And he looked stupid too. My was blue. It was a fun day.
            Wednesday was class colors day. It was also a day of Powder Puff. (see ending of blog) Green for freshmen, blue for sophomores, pink for juniors, and finally orange for seniors. Orange and black our school colors. I am a sophomore. So is my friend. Just guess what he did. Yes, the extreme: he painted himself blue. Yes, blue. He looked like a smurf. I laughed. Very much. Yes, fun.
            Oh the best day was Thursday. It was Super Hero Day. Please just guess what he did. Superman? No. Batman? No. Wonder Woman? Heck no! No he was Captain Underpants. Yes, underpants and all. I walk into to lunch room and almost died of laughter. We (my friends) asked if he went and bought new underwear. Thank god. We also asked if he still wore whitey tighties. Thank god again. We came up with the name J.C.Whitey-tighties. We are creative.
            Finally, Friday. We had an eleven thirty dismissal. We also had class games. He said he was going to paint his face in tiger stripes. Tiger are our mascot. He didn’t though. He just put paw prints on his face. Oh and class games are when each class compete for the homecoming name. Juniors won. My class got third.
            From the beginning, Powder Puff is when girls play football and the guy football players coach. It’s only flag football but it is still violent. The juniors won like usual. My team beat the Seniors and we played the juniors and lost by one point.
            Yes, Homecoming week is fun. But there are the extremist like usual. Tell me about your homecoming week!  

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Obsessed People

Do you that one friend or acquaintance who is completely obsessed with famous people? Because I do. And it gets annoying. You would think that it would be a girl, no, mine’s a guy. Three famous people he’s obsessed with (in order)

1. Madonna (I mean come on, MADONNA?)

2. This Barbra person who I really don’t care about (sings her songs ALL THE TIME!)

3. Lady Gaga (ditto)

He is still obsessed with it! But that’s not the point. He is literally obsessed with the top three though. Just say, “Hey, what’s that Madonna song that goes…” or Lady Gaga or that Barbra person. Oh, and when I say he sings all the time, I mean ALL the time.

Anyway, that’s just my friend. You know when Michal Jackson died and people were crying saying that it was the saddest day of their lives? Yep: obsession. I mean, you don’t even know him personally! Or when someone meets someone famous they are like “OH MY GOD! THIS IS THE HAPPIEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!” Tell that to your wife if you have one or your parents or kids. Trust me, it’s not the happiest day of you life. That day would be either you wedding or the day your mother in law moves across the country. Just kidding.

Anyway, don’t you just think it is just a little weird to love a person you never met, or will ever meet (not to burst your bubble or anything but it is probably never gonna happen) that one famous person? I do, defiantly. I mean, I can see if it’s your job and everything but sometimes it’s just regular people who are obsessed with the people they will never meet. They might be a good singer or a great actor or actress, but that’s no excuse to almost mulling them when you see them, or even chase after them for a while. I would never do that! Partially because I am not a very fast runner and I would get tired after one block and quit but also because I’m not crazy like that. I would be exicited and stuff but enough to mull or chase someone? Or even get into a fight over who’s better? (cough, cough, Twilight, Team Jacob or Team Edward… Just to clear it up, I’m Team Guy-who-almost-hit-Bella-with-a-van, if you have seen the movie).

Enough with that type of obsession and to the more subtle part. That was the over the top a little, if I must say so myself. My hometown obsession hits me in the area of my shriveled up heart, wait, cross that out, heart, my friend who I mentioned at the top. I’m pretty sure I don’t go a lunch with out him talking about Lady Gaga’s new song or a Barbra strizing song. He knows basically everything about Madonna’s life… he came so exicited about him thinking he knows where she lives. Then, a few days ago, he came walking into lunch saying that his sister met a Barbra (person I mentioned above) impersonator who even knew the real Barbra. It was the high light of his day. I get annoyed quite often with him.

Enough about me and my obsessed friend! I wanna hear about your movie star/ pop star obsessed friends or acquaintance! Comment yours to me

Friday, September 3, 2010


“Go clean your room!” “Be nice to your brother/sister!” “Do your homework!” “Carry up the laundry!” These are just a few of the things your parents say to you. And every time they do, you tell them that you will but they keep hounding you about it. Until, of course, you do it. Which no one ever real wants to.

The world knows that parents can be annoying. People say they are only that way because they love you. They do, but can they NOT let up? In my case, it’s always about my room. My mom says to go clean it. I say no because I have better things to do in my free time. And because seeing as I’m the only one who actually sees my room and sleeps in it, why should I clean it? My mom says because it should make me feel better. Please tell me how cleaning my room, exerting effort on something that I only see, should make me feel better. I’m just not organized! And I like it because I my mom doesn’t. Just kidding, that’s mean.

Anyway, have you ever driven with your parents? If not, let’s just put it this way, I’d rather drive with my eighty plus year old grandma because she doesn’t yell at you for everything. My mother puts her arm out and pumps it back and forth thinking that will help me stop. Brilliant. My farther let’s me do as I please, but when I make a mistake he does this whole speech about what you could do in that situation. Then, I’m debating whether to stop the car and let him drive or continue driving listening to him talk. I like driving, so this is a very hard choice. Driving with your parents is not fun. It’s annoying. Really.

Ever played a sport with your parent(s)? I don’t know about yours, but mine try to tell me what to do. I get annoyed with it. A lot. Sure they played the sport in high school or college but I think the coach knows best. I play tennis and my mother is telling me how to serve and my dad is telling me how to hit it. I get annoyed. I try to listen but… I just get annoyed.

Oh, my favorite part, when you ask your parents if you can do something potentially dangerous and they freak out saying you can get hurt. I know they care about you but cut us some slack! Please! We are only young once! Personal experience: Don’t try this at home. Mattress Surfing, which is when you tie a mattress to a 4-wheeler and drag it, my mother let me and my brother and sister’s friends ride it but not drive. My mother wouldn’t let me drive the 4-Wheeler. Why? Well, because she said she didn’t want someone to get hurt while I was driving. She doesn’t even know how to turn it on. Ironic, I know.

I have complained enough on this blog. I love my parents and all but they can be very annoying. Now it’s your turn. Have a story when your parents annoyed you? Just post it!